Day 4: Armidale (St Peter's Anglican Cathedral)

Armidale 2022

Australia St Peter's Anglican Cathedral

Day 4: Armidale (St Peter's Anglican Cathedral)

#Armidale #St Peter's Anglican Cathedral #church
Sunday, 27 February 2022 at 3:00:00 pm AEDT
Part of the Armidale Heritage walk.

In 1850 the small timber church of St Peter was built on the northern side of Central Park. Horbury Hunt was engaged to design and supervise construction of a cathedral in Armidale in 1869. The foundation stones were laid on 22 May 1873 when a parchment describing the proceedings was placed in a metal cylinder between the stones which are under the flying buttress on the north side of the building. The Cathedral was opened on 3 June 1875 and later additions have been the lower belfry, chapter house and vestry. Memorial stained-glass windows recall many parishioners and a small museum contains ecclesiastical memorabilia. A ring of eight bells was installed and dedicated in October 1996. Open for general access Monday-Friday, 9.00am-12.30pm.

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