Day 5: Dangarsleigh War Memorial

Armidale 2022

Australia Dangarsleigh War Memorial

Day 5: Dangarsleigh War Memorial

#Armidale #Dangarsleigh War Memorial
Monday, 28 February 2022 at 12:00:00 pm AEDT
Dangarsleigh War Memorial is a heritage-listed World War I memorial.

The monument commemorates those who died in service or were killed in action during World War One. It is a substantial, multi-element concrete and stone monument set in a large concrete circle edged with stones.

Corporal Alfred Perrott was killed in action on the 28th of October 1917 while serving in the 6th Field Artillery of the Australian Imperial Force. Alfred Perrott senior dedicated a portion of his property ‘Chevy Chase’, and proceeded to design and construct a memorial to his son and his fellow soldiers. The final plan for the monument was a composite based on concepts drawn up by Mr Perrott, Architect Mr Hickson, Shire Engineer Mr Montague Smith and the builder Mr Mark Roberts

The large circle surrounding the monument represents the world, with the inlaid stones showing the rough path of life. Due north is marked into the circle with points of the compass and on the southern side a groove indicates where the shadow of the monument falls at noon on midsummer`s day. Five pillars, each with fives sides represent the “children”of the former British Empire - Australia, Canada, India, New Zealand and South africa. The three-sided obelisk represents “Mother” England with Ireland and Scotland.

The entrance to the monument in the form of an Eastern temple invites people to “Nirvana”, the place of peace and is surmounted by a bell, which calls souls to rest. The turnstile of the entrance has handles fashioned into the shapes of a military bugle, service rifle, Naval bosun`s whistle and a cannon.

Sixteen men are named on the western face of the monument and families and friends paid sixpence per lead letter to record the names. An unveiling ceremony was held on Empire Day 1921, after having taken eight months to construct. On 21st February 1921, memorabilia was placed in the chamber and the laying of the foundation stone was undertaken by Mrs Elizabeth Holloway of ‘Mount Pleasant’ at Kelly`s Plains who was the oldest resident in the district to have lost a sone in World War One.

The monument remained in the private ownership of the Perrott family until it was handed over to the Dumaresq Shire in a ceremony on 16th March 1991. It passed to the Armidale Dumaresq Council following amalgamation in 2000. The community still undertake the general maintenance and care of the site.

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