Day 5: Gostwyck Chapel

Armidale 2022

Australia Gostwyck Chapel

Day 5: Gostwyck Chapel

#Armidale #Gostwyck Chapel
Monday, 28 February 2022 at 4:00:00 pm AEDT
This very picturesque small church is a photographer's delight.

All Saints Anglican Church or better known as Gostwyck Chapel is part of Gostwyck Station only 11km east of Uralla along Tourist Drive 19. This quaint little church can also be accessed from the Waterfall Way east of Armidale.

Edward Gostwyck Cory settled this holding of 80,000 acres in 1832 and named it Gostwyck. In 1934 he sold his grazing rights to William Dangar who subsequently sold them to his brother Henry. The Dangars are quite a renowned family in Newcastle and the Hunter Valley area.

By 1841 the community at Gostwyck had grown to forty-eight, comprising mostly of shepherds and their families. When the various properties were fenced, boundary riders were employed and fewer shepherds were needed and as a result the population declined. Following both World Wars the government reclaimed portions of the property for Soldier Settlement blocks. By 1970 only 13,000 acres remained of the original holding and this was divided between the two granddaughters of Henry Dangar each receiving 6,500 acres. The western side, or homestead area, retained the name “Gostwyck”, while the eastern side on which stands the historic wool shed was renamed “Deeargee.” This name came from the old “Gostwyck” wool brand DRG which stood for “Dangar,Gostwyck”.

The Chapel at Gostwyck was officially named All Saints Anglican Church and erected on Gostwyck Station. The chapel was built in memory of Major Clive Dangar who died of injuries sustained during World War 1. He made it back to Australia but died in Melbourne as a result of these wounds received during the war and is buried in Waverely Cemetery in Sydney.

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