Day 6: Dumaresq Dam

Armidale 2022

Australia Dumaresq Dam

Day 6: Dumaresq Dam

#Dumaresq Dam #dam
Tuesday, 1 March 2022 at 10:00:00 am AEDT
We are leaving Armidale today, and on our way back stopped at Dumaresq Dam.

Dumaresq dam was built between 1896 and 1898 and was Armidale’s water supply until the 1968, when Malpas Dam was completed. It is now set aside as a recreation reserve. A 2.5 km walking track passes through eucalypt woodland on its way around the dam. It is an easy walk, though rock-hopping is required for one section. A new mountain biking track links to nearby Mount Duval. Both the woodland and the dam offer excellent opportunities for bird watching, and for anglers, the dam is stocked with trout, and occasionally bass.

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