Day 2: Cowra (morning)

Cowra 2022

Australia Cowra Bridge

Day 2: Cowra (morning)

#Cowra #Cowra Bridge #murals #art
Saturday, 24 September 2022 at 7:00:00 am AEST
I woke up early in the morning and explored the murals on Cowra Bridge before buying breakfast at McDonalds.

The Cowra Bridge Pylons are situated beneath the Lachlan River Bridge and feature Aboriginal murals. The murals were painted by local Aboriginal artist, Kym Freeman and depict the history of the Wiradjuri people who inhabited the Cowra area before English settlement. The size of the murals and the attention to fine detail make them a must-see when visiting Cowra. They are just a short walk from the Visitor Information Centre down towards the river.

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