Day 2: One Tree Hill

Cowra 2022

Australia One Tree Hill

Day 2: One Tree Hill

#Canberra #One Tree Hill #art #Taylor
Saturday, 24 September 2022 at 4:00:00 pm AEST
We reached Canberra in the afternoon and stopped by at One Tree Hill to admire the water tank mural.

The One Tree Hill Water Tank can be found in the new subdivision of Taylor in Canberra.

It was painted by Geoff Filmer in July 2021.

In Geoff’s own words, he hopes as the new suburb of Taylor grows and matures, this iconic piece of art will stand the test of time and becomes something that is really treasured by the Taylor Community as a thing that is so uniquely theirs.

The mural is a balance of native birds and fauna, some of which are endangered in the areas that surround Taylor. These creatures in particular were specifically chosen to be highlighted in the project and include the sun moth and some of the legless lizards local to Taylor. Also featured is a wedge tailed eagle because of the many eagles found in the area.

The overall concept was designed to be seen from a distance as the tanks are set high into the hill overlooking the suburb of Taylor. They wanted something interesting, that fitted in and was readable from a very long distance, so that’s why the birds and animals are very large.

Geoff hopes that mural will become an iconic part of the Taylor suburb and give the residents a sense of pride, that they have such a striking piece of art right in their own suburb.

We found it was quite difficuly to get close access to the mural, since it was protected by fencing and locked gates. In the end, we just took pictures outside the fence.

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