Day 10: Tokyo (Metropolitan Government Building)

Japan 2017

Japan Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building

Day 10: Tokyo (Metropolitan Government Building)

#building #Metropolitan Government Building #Tokyo
Friday, 31 March 2017 at 1:00:49 pm GMT+9
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building (東京都庁舎) is the tallest city hall in the world, with observation decks proving amazing views.

After lunch we walked to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building. This is a massive set of three buildings, with two observation decks on Level 45 on each tower of building No 1.

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building (東京都庁舎), houses the headquarters of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. It is the tallest city hall in the world.

The building, also referred to as Tochō (都庁) has two panoramic observation decks, one in each tower.

The building was designed by architect Kenzo Tange, and meant to resemble an integrated circuit, while also evoking the look of a Gothic cathedral.

We were very pleased to discover entry to the observation decks is still free, and it gave great views of Tokyo. They say on a clear day one can see all the way to Mt Fuji. Unfortunately, today was not such a day, as it was rather grey and overcast. Indeed, by the time, we came down, it was drizzling.

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