Day 6: Huis Ten Bosch (Thriller and Attraction Cities)

Japan 2018

Japan Huis Ten Bosch

Day 6: Huis Ten Bosch (Thriller and Attraction Cities)

#attraction #Huis Ten Bosch #Japan #theme park
Sunday, 11 March 2018 at 3:00:51 pm GMT+9
Thriller and Attraction Cities in Huis Ten Bosch contain a variety of theme park attractions surrounded by a fountain.

We finished the afternoon exploring the area south of Amsterdam Square, which contains a variety of theme park attractions surrounded by a fountain.

Thriller City is full of spooky attractions (even a scary toilet!), including my favourite (Prison Ward – a walk through the corridors of a horrifying hospital where gruesome experiments were being carried on the inmates), the House of Love and Horror, (which is completely dark and I had to feel my way around) and Mansion of Japanese Ghost Stories (which replicates scenes from famous Japanese Ghost Stories). I also enjoyed the Kingdom of Robots, Muse Hall and the Umbrella Street. There is a fountain in the middle with some interesting photo opportunities.

A few of the attractions here are VR based and since I am not really into VR I skipped those.

We ended up leaving the theme park via Flower Road (where the tulips and windmills are), and saw some interesting vehicles (part of the evening events) at the park entrance. We finally checked into the hotel and had a brief rest before attending the night parade and light show.

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