Day 3: Cloud Forest (Treetop Walk)

Singapore 2017

South East Asia Cloud Forest

Day 3: Cloud Forest (Treetop Walk)

#attraction #Cloud Forest #garden #Gardens by the Bay #Singapore
Friday, 10 November 2017 at 1:00:51 pm GMT+8
Below the heart of Crystal Mountain in the Cloud Forest, we walked on the Treetop Walk.

We walked on the Treetop Walk which leads into the Secret Garden.

From the foot of the mountain, we can see the luxuriant forest canopy sprawling across the Tree Top Walk.

The Gallery has interactive exhibitions and a dynamic short film. It tells a story of how a growing human population and excessive use of resources impact our environment as well as the species living in it.

The overall message is what can we do to contribute to nature conservation and a more sustainable future. There are also holographic displays and short films to learn about climate change as well as eco-sensitive ways to support these meaningful causes.

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Day 3: Cloud Forest (Crystal Mountain)
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Day 3: Cloud Forest (Secret Garden)
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